Privacy Policy

S.C. ALBALACT S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Albalact” or “we”), a Romanian legal entity, headquartered in the commune of Galda de Jos, village Oiejdea, DN1, KM 392+600, Alba County, hereby informs you about this Privacy Policy regarding the use of personal data to explain how we process and protect personal data.

1. Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to the processing of personal data of:

  • Visitors and users of our website: (“Users”);
  • Our contractual partners such as suppliers, clients (“Business Partners”);
  • Candidates for vacant job positions
  • What data do we collect about you?

2. We collect and process your personal data as follows:

  • From the information you provide us by filling out contact forms on our websites;
  • Through correspondence with us by phone, email, or any other means.

The information you provide may include your name, surname, address, email address, phone number, and any other relevant information.

Through your activity on the site, we will not collect or process sensitive personal data related to you (i.e., information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs or philosophical convictions, health, sexual life, or sexual orientation), except in cases where:

  • We are required to do so by law; and/or
  • Where you have explicitly consented to such processing.

If you voluntarily provide us with personal data (including sensitive personal data) through your interaction with the website or through correspondence with us by phone, email, or any other means, of your own volition and not at our request, we may delete such personal data from our systems if we do not consider the processing necessary for a legitimate purpose of Albalact.

3. What are the purposes of processing personal data and what is the legal basis for processing?

We may process your personal data in the following cases:

  • For communication purposes when it is necessary to respond to any requests received through the contact forms on the website;
  • For communication purposes when it is necessary to award prizes as a result of campaigns conducted by Albalact;
  • For communication purposes when we need to take necessary measures to conclude a contract with you or with the company you represent;
  • For communication purposes when we need to perform a contract that we have concluded with you or with the company you represent;
  • For legal purposes when we need to comply with a legal obligation.

When we request personal data to comply with legal or contractual obligations, providing such personal data is mandatory. This means that if such personal data is not provided, we will not be able to manage contractual relationships or comply with our legal obligations. In all other cases, providing personal data is optional, and you are not obligated to provide it.

We may process your personal data, such as identification data, contact details, and residential address, for the purpose of possibly exercising our rights or claims against you in the future. This processing is based on our legitimate interest, as it is necessary to exercise our rights in case of potential disputes.

We will use your personal information as follows:


When it is necessary to respond to any requests received through the contact forms on the website, we may use your provided personal data (such as name, surname, email address, or other personal data provided in the message body).

This processing is based on our legitimate interest in knowing the identity of the person to whom the response must be addressed.

Business Partners:

For the purpose of concluding or executing contractual relationships with Albalact’s business partners, as an administrator or representative person of the business partner, we may process your personal data, such as: name, surname, email address, telephone number.

This processing is based on:

  • the performance of a contract to which you, as an administrator or representative of the commercial partner, are a party;
  • legal obligations imposed on us;
  • our legitimate interest.

As a commercial partner, we can provide you with communications about our new products and services. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, you can opt out by sending us an email to

Candidates for job positions:

Regarding your participation in the recruitment and selection process for one or more of the job positions available at Albalact, we may collect and process your personal data (such as the information from the CV you submit) for the purpose of selection, assessment of professional skills for the job you are applying for, and for communication with you during the recruitment process.

This processing is based on your intention to enter into an employment contract with Albalact and on Albalact’s legitimate interest.

We will not disclose your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

4. To whom do we transmit personal data?

Albalact does not transmit (by sale or rental) your personal data to third parties.

Within Albalact, only a limited number of staff members have access to your personal data on a need-to-know basis. Albalact staff members are authorized to manage personal data only based on instructions provided by Albalact, in connection with their job responsibilities.

Personal data may be disclosed to government authorities, tax authorities, and/or law enforcement agencies if required by applicable laws or necessary for the exercise of our rights, including terms of use, or to protect our legitimate interests (including the legitimate interests of third parties) in accordance with applicable laws.

Your personal data may also be disclosed to third parties as follows:

  • To business partners, suppliers, and subcontractors for the performance of contracts we enter into with you, for providing the products and services requested by you;
  • To service providers offering administrative, professional, and technical support to Albalact;
  • To external consultants (e.g., lawyers, accountants, auditors) for specific purposes, when required.

Albalact conducts an appropriate prior assessment in selecting third-party service providers and requires these service providers to maintain adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data and to process personal data only according to Albalact’s specific instructions. Service providers have the right to use subcontractors in providing services to Albalact, provided that each subcontractor complies with the same data protection obligations as the service providers.

5. What is the retention period for personal data?

We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy or as required by applicable national legislation, in accordance with minimum applicable legal retention periods, and/or as necessary to exercise our legitimate rights (and the legitimate rights of others).

If your personal data was collected as part of your voluntary participation in campaigns conducted by Albalact, we will retain your data for the period specified in the regulations of each campaign.

If you are a business partner, we will retain your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship with you.

If you are a candidate for one or more of the positions published by Albalact, we will retain your personal data for the entire duration of the recruitment and selection process. If the recruitment and selection process does not result in the conclusion of an employment contract, we may retain the personal data collected for a period of 6 months after the completion of the recruitment and selection process, but only with your consent.

6. Transfer of personal data outside the country

During storage within Albalact, your data may be accessible and/or transferred to the Lactalis Group (France), of which Albalact is a part.

7. What rights do you have?

You have the following rights under applicable law:

  • The right to access your personal data, namely to confirm whether your personal data is processed by us or not, and to provide you with a copy of your personal data;
  • The right to request the rectification or erasure of personal data;
  • The right to request the restriction of processing of personal data;
  • The right to object to the processing of personal data;
  • The right to request the portability of personal data;
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

Please note that your rights described above may be limited in certain situations and are subject to applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data.

To exercise one or more of these rights, please contact us at the email address
