
The Secret to Your Performance
with Stay Strong

Proteins are essential for any diet, but they become particularly important when it comes to athletic performance. They are the foundation of your strength and energy, helping you overcome any limit.

The Power of Proteins in the Body

Proteins are made up of amino acids, the building blocks of life. There are 20 different amino acids, 9 of which are essential and must be obtained through diet. These proteins repair and build muscle tissues, vital after intense workouts.

Proteins – The Fuel for Athletic Performance

For athletes, proteins are the key to success:

Muscle recovery: after each intense workout, your muscles need proteins to repair and become stronger. They accelerate recovery and reduce muscle soreness, so you can continue to push your limits.

Muscle mass growth: proteins contribute to muscle protein synthesis, essential for muscle growth and maintenance, helping you achieve your fitness goals, whether you want to become stronger or tone your body.

Energy and endurance: proteins maintain a high level of energy and prevent muscle loss during intense workouts.

Stay Strong Pro products are specially designed to provide high-quality proteins in a delicious and convenient form:

  • Puddings and mousses: 18-20g of protein per serving, with no added sugar and lactose-free, perfect for a healthy snack
  • Yogurts: 20g of protein per serving, without additives, ideal for breakfast or a snack between meals
  • Shakes: 25g of protein per bottle, providing a protein boost before or after workouts
Reach your maximum potential with Stay Strong!